We look at data with care, and people in the eye

We assess projects using clear and transparent criteria, inspired by the principles of measurable impact, impartiality and comparability. We are committed to remaining accountable to those we support. 


Unhate Foundation Initiatives

  • Scope: Initiatives developed directly by the Foundation or in partnership
  • Recipients: Final beneficiaries, non-profit entities and institutions
  • Objective: Create systemic actions that can be replicated in other contexts, leveraging managerial, methodological, financial, and relational resources


  •  Scope: Support for non-profit and third-sector entities
  • Recipients: All non-profit organizations and entities, regardless of legal form
  • Objective: Support/Enhance diverse organizations through targeted partnerships


  • Scope: Selection of projects through public tenders
  • Recipients: Determined on a case-by-case basis
  • Objective: Support innovative initiatives aligned with the Unhate Foundation's mission

We're always on the lookout for quality, sustainable and innovative initiatives that align with our objectives.

Submit a proposal

Eligibility Criteria:

Want to propose a project? Here’s a brief quick checklist:

  • Alignment: Does your project fit with Unhate Foundation’s mission and focus areas?
  • Identifying the Problem: Have you clearly identified the issue you’re addressing and proposed effective solutions?
  • Financial Sustainability: Is the project economically sustainable? Can you demonstrate its financial viability?
  • Monitoring and Impact: What performance indicators will help assess mid- to long-term results?
  • Innovation: Are you offering an innovative solution, also in terms of resource management?
  • Experience: Can you show your expertise and demonstrate a positive track record in managing similar projects?
  • Sustainability and Scalability: After the initial phase supported by Unhate Foundation, can your project sustain long-term growth and reach more people?
  • Resource Mobilization: Have you received funding or interest from other entities? Have you funded parts of the project yourself?


Project Evaluation Process

We reserve the right to verify a project’s eligibility through:

  • Internal Reviews.
  • Consultations with our advisors, members of the Scientific Committee, and external experts to assess both merit and technical aspects.

Who Can Access Our Funds?

Entities requesting funding must demonstrate:

  • Alignment with our values.
  • Relevance in the area of focus, measured by:

    - Effective communication (e.g., publishing social impact reports).

    - Ability to create awareness around your cause and build relationship networks.
  • Reputation and operational stability in the third sector.
  • Economic stability and compliance with legal standards, including anti-corruption and anti-money laundering regulations.